
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ange's Bridal Shower

This was one of my favorite orders yet. With Ange being a very close friend from college, I wanted to go all out for her Bridal Shower. With the Bride and Groom cakes, I was able to try out a ton of new techniques that I've been learning in my online courses. I'm especially happy with all the gum paste flowers! I can't wait to continue practicing with these.

Ange was proposed to with a ring and a white pug pup named Willie. So Willie cookie favors were an obvious choice! 

Gender Reveal Cake!

I love making these! It's so exciting to be a part of this announcement - especially in this case when the Mama is a friend and co-worker. 
Any guesses to what color the inside of that cake is?!?!?!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This cake was made for a local friend we met through Instagram! His girlfriend requested a chocolate mousse cake with a cat face on top and I was happy to oblige. This a chocolate lovers cake - with dark chocolate mousse between layers of chocolate cake covered in ganache. 

First attempt at Modeling Chocolate!

A sweet lil Lemon Birthday cake with modeling chocolate details. This was my first attempt at making and using modeling chocolate and I love it as a medium. I've been taking several classes online at and gaining a ton of helpful tips and practices. I'm looking forward to practicing my flowers - both modeling chocolate and gum paste!

Happy Halloween!

Spooky treats! Vanilla cupcakes with an orange swirl topped with chocolate ganache and gum paste toppers.